
Hurricane of 1901

St. Louis Dispatch, August 16, 1901
Dancing at the Klondyke Social Club

Freeman (Indianapolis, IN), November 2, 1901

Montgomery Advertiser, July 5, 1902
Traveler Describes Mobile in 1902
Mobile's Promising Future. Mobile is having her first permanent street paving done. She is a little late about it, but it will be done well. Thus, Mobile takes another step in progress. If all goes well. Mobile will keep her end of the State in line with Birmingham and both Join to make Alabama great.
The opening of the Warrior and the Coosa is bound to make Mobile great as well as rich. The Ledger has believed that Mobile is to be a great clty. Its growth In the 10 years just passed confirms that- belief. It is the nearest port to Cuba with considerable rallroad facilities; It is the natural coaling station of the gulf, and the opening of the Warrior hut little further will put the port where New Orleans cannot compete with it as a coaling station. The opening of these rivers will Increase the cotton trade of Mobile, and that may mean an increase of all trade.
There is already fine railroad connection between Birmingham and Mobile, and that will in time develop the trade of the countries on the gulf and the Caribbean Sea. The commerce of these countries is het begun, and their development will make Mobile their port for everything except food, and that trade will come later, for Mobile has a road reaching to the corn States.
Mobile does well to Improve her streets as the Government Improves her harbor. for the city is to grow and develop as not dreamed of since the grand dreams of De Iberville.
Baltimore Sun, May 6, 1902

By Ralph Poore
In 1902, newspapers across the country for months splashed sensational headlines about a young Mobilian supposedly involved in a love triangle with a married woman. Detectives alleged that the woman, Mrs. Ailene Ellis O’Malley, had plotted to poison her husband, a prominent Notre Dame University professor and 20 years her senior, and run away with the young man.
The Mobilian was 20-year-old William Jefferson Hearin, then a student at Cornell University and the future father of Mobile Press Register publisher William Jefferson Hearin, Jr.
The murder plot turned out to be more speculation and rumor than fact, and all charges were eventually dropped. The “young Hearin,” as the papers called him, returned to Mobile, married in 1908 and led a largely obscure life.

Evening Times, September 29, 1906
Tragedy on the Barton Academy Playground
December 23, 1908
Clarence M. Benson, aged 13, son of Robert Benson, an electrical engineer, was killed in Mobile in a peculiar manner while playing with a number of companions in the Barton Academy yard. Several boys were throwing a stick in the air that had a sharp iron paper file stuck in the end, and in some manner the point struck young Benson on the head and penetrated his brain, causing death. The school authorities are unable to locate the boy who threw the stick into the air.
Marion County Republican, Marion County Ala, December 23, 1908 - Transcribed by Veneta McKinney